Appalachian Beliefs

The Prepper How To Series is dedicated to the preservation of the lifestyle, beliefs and knowledge of the Appalachian Mountaineers.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Time to Cut Wood

Mr. B and I used today for a well deserved rest although we still had to finish cleaning up and return some borrowed scales we used to weigh the sausage. The packages of  'Old Plantation' mix we used seasons 25 lbs of sausage and we had 125 lbs of sausage so we used 5 packs of seasoning.

Aside from that, Mr. B. had to dab the water which had accumulated on the hams with paper towels. If you don't get it off, the meat can spoil. Now, all we can do is hope the weather remains cold and allows the meat to cure on its own.

The holidays passed too quickly as always but much was accomplished. The next thing that we will be working on is getting more wood cut and stacked for winter. We have a good deal already but not enough 'green' wood to last the winter. 'Green' wood is wood that is freshly cut and not dried out. It will last much longer in the stove and we generally use it at night so we don't have to get up as often to put more wood in.

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