Appalachian Beliefs

The Prepper How To Series is dedicated to the preservation of the lifestyle, beliefs and knowledge of the Appalachian Mountaineers.

Appalachian Beliefs

Sadness fills me as I listen to the stories told by one of the elders of our community.  I have lived amongst them now for fifteen years and they have just now begun to trust me with their stories and beliefs.  Much is written about various “peoples” around the world and the tremendous loss when their ways are forever gone. Beliefs that carried them through life are now forgotten and soon will be buried forever with them.
          So who were these people that lived on the high mountains of Appalachia?  Most of them are now afraid to speak of the old ways in the presence of strangers.  So much is being lost.
          The one I listen to is telling me about the local witch doctor that lived in the community for years.  The regular doctor would often send them to the witch doctor when he was unable to cure them.  One time when she was very ill and her regular doctor could find no cause or cure for what ailed her, he told her to seek help from the witch doctor, and she did.
          I have also come to understand that their belief in witches and spells were in no way connected to their belief in God.  They were raised in a society where both co-existed.  Everyone knew how to cast and break spells just as everyone knew that you didn’t work on the Sabbath because it was a day for praising God and resting.
          Along with these beliefs, they were passionate about working and living by the astronomy signs. Most knew nothing of modern science but their knowledge was learned from their parents and passed down through the generations.
          These beliefs are still being practiced by the few remaining mountain people but are slowly being lost and soon will be gone forever. The Prepper How To Series is dedicated to the preservation of this lifestyle and knowledge.  Melissa

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