Appalachian Beliefs

The Prepper How To Series is dedicated to the preservation of the lifestyle, beliefs and knowledge of the Appalachian Mountaineers.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Electric Fence

Yesterday morning it was cold and of course, the electric fence quit working. It was barely making a clicking sound which meant that it was still connected but shorted somewhere.  Mr. B was at work so I was responsible for walking the fence row on our four acre pasture. Brrrrrrrrr.............

I bundled up and put on an orange vest since it is deer rifle season in the mountains and started out about 10:30. At least there was no snow on the ground like in October when I had to do this. I always take a walking stick and my cell phone since I have a bum knee and you never know when it is going to quit working. When it does, each step is really painful. Along with these items, I take a hammer, some type of large nails and the electric fence wire holder as seen here in the picture.

The view was beautiful from up on the ridge and Jake took up a position where he could see me and everything else at the same time. My dogs are great. I noticed that while Jake stayed closer to me, the Dawg stayed with the goats.
Jake watching me work on fence.

I found the problem about half way down the far ridge and had to work on slippery leaves and my knee has not forgiven me yet. One of the yellow holders had pulled loose from the tree it had been nailed to and become tangled with the lower strand. I nailed it back to the tree and straightened out the wire then was barely able to walk back to the house and plug the box back in. We actually have two boxes; one which is electric and one on the front fence which is solar.

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