Appalachian Beliefs

The Prepper How To Series is dedicated to the preservation of the lifestyle, beliefs and knowledge of the Appalachian Mountaineers.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Rabies/Veterinary Needs

We are lucky to have a great Vet who makes house calls. There is an extra fee for driving way up here on High Mountain Farm but I feel that it is so much better for the dogs if we do it this way and I really like their rabies shots to be up to date.

 If your dogs travel well, just put them in the back of the pickup and head out but our Great Pyrenees get really sick when we ride them to the Vet. I mean throwing up sick and then they don't forgive me for months.There are so many wild animals that can carry rabies  that you are putting your dogs and yourself at risk if they aren't vaccinated especially in a remote location like ours..

At this writing, there is no known cure for Rabies once symptoms appear with death occurring from respiratory failure usually within 7 days of symptom onset.

Rabies can incubate from 10 days to 7 years with the average time for developing rabies between three and twelve weeks.

Rabies is carried by a variety of animals including coyote, raccoons, wolves and fox. 

For more information please view the article at PubMed Health.

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