Appalachian Beliefs

The Prepper How To Series is dedicated to the preservation of the lifestyle, beliefs and knowledge of the Appalachian Mountaineers.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Chicken Eggs

All I used to hear was that you shouldn't eat eggs and that the yoke was bad for you and on and on...
Now..the tide is changing and some studies seem to indicate that eating eggs is actually good for you.

In an article from we read,
"...saturated fat in the diet, not cholesterol, is what influences blood cholesterol levels the most. While whole eggs are high in cholesterol, they’re low in saturated fat. One large egg contains just 1.5 grams, compared to three grams in a cup of two percent milk or seven grams in a tablespoon of butter."

Along with this, there are those who now feel that eating eggs from chickens which are allowed to forage for themselves (free-ranging) in a more natural environment are much better for you than other eggs. Take a look at this article from
In their article they say, "

When purchasing eggs, choose those that were grown in a free-range or cage-free environment, or better yet, purchase eggs directly from a farmer who focuses on growing eggs in a healthy environment. Eggs that say "organic" or "omega-3" have the right idea, but will still not be as good as cage-free."

So, I will be eating my eggs when I can find them. That's the issue with free-ranging chickens; you never know where the eggs are going to be laid. Good Hunting!

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