Appalachian Beliefs

The Prepper How To Series is dedicated to the preservation of the lifestyle, beliefs and knowledge of the Appalachian Mountaineers.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

December 21;The Beginning of a New Era

 I believe in being prepared for life not death. Even the Mayans say tomorrow will not be the end but the beginning of a new era. Read Below

 "It's an era. We are lucky to see how it ends," says wood carver Santos Esteban in Yaxuna, a sleepy village of fewer than 700 Mayans, located in a territory that once belonged to the ancient kingdom founded around 2000 B.C."  From an article on

The Mayan Calendar is complicated and I am not going to get into the intricate details. Click here to review Wikipedia information page on this subject.

The bottom line here is that people have stopped preparing for tomorrow and only live for today. Many people don't have enough food or water to survive for a week without assistance from an outside source but they have every modern convenience to make them comfortable today.

 Don't get me wrong, I obviously have modern conveniences but I also have food, water, a source of heat and other things to help me when the power goes out. A great job making lots of money won't help you a bit if we were to have some sort of collapse or environmental event where food sources weren't readily available to be purchased. I don't want everyone to run to the grocery store but I do want you to begin to think more responsibly. Why does society think that others should rescue them in the face of adversity. Yes, we should always help the needy but people also need to help themselves when possible. My point is that everyone should plan ahead a little bit. Don't just assume that someone is going to show up to help you because this may not always be the reality of the world we live in.

So get prepared, prepared to LIVE.....

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