Appalachian Beliefs

The Prepper How To Series is dedicated to the preservation of the lifestyle, beliefs and knowledge of the Appalachian Mountaineers.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Poplar Wood

Mr. B cutting up a Poplar Tree

Mr. B cutting Poplar Wood
Mr. B says it isn't really good for the cook stove or heating stove because it burns up too fast but if that is what you have, that is what you will burn.
Mr. B felled this large tree but he has been doing this since he was a teenager so I do not advise trying that yourself. Preferably, you will need to work with someone who is skilled at cutting trees or just let them do the cutting while you stack brush and load the truck which is equally physically hard.

Felled Poplar Tree

Poplar Wood
It is difficult for me to remember which tree variety is which especially when there are no leaves so I have made a few pictures here to help you with identification of poplar. Mr. B has cut so much wood that he can identify almost every variety in Western North Carolina by the bark alone.

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